2016年6月16日,Apple Developer Program(Apple 开发人员计划)正式开启。
就在昨天,2017年5月16日,收到了来自苹果的邮件,告知我还有 30 天资格到期,提醒我续费,一时间不禁有点感叹时间的流逝,也萌生了写一篇这一年的开发精力的文章,留一份备案,也给自己的下一年做一个提醒。
Coffee It is an iOS APP that builds for those who drink Coffee a lot. There are a group of people who want to log all Caffeine they drink each time. And from all iOS APPs, most Caffeine Tracker APP are abandoned in a few time, without further bug fixes and improvement, the APP is difficult to use. The rest are expensive, and less functional. This is why I develop Coffee It.
Please download https://t.me/lalabeng
Surge 让整个 VPN 界都跨出了一步,未来必定会有更多类似 Surge 的软件出现,当翻墙已经不再是一件难事,不如来看看这款 Instagram 的工具吧。
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